Biggest idols exporter to the soccer’s temple, the Europe, Brazil already face a similar reality on MMA. Without any recognize from media and without the support of the national sponsorships, our main fighters started to pack, looking for the millionaire American market. The first to go was Wanderlei Silva, who, on 2007, after announced his left from Chute Boxe, moved out with his wife and the child and right after opened his own gym, where dozens of Brazilians work nowadays.
This year was the time of Rodrigo Minotauro, Anderson Silva and Vitor Belfort, although they didn’t definitely moved out, chosen to make the most part of their trainings on USA, where they have better structure and support of the sponsorships and even the media. The reasons and the consequences of this idol’s exodus is the theme of our story of the cover of this edition. To make it we passed eleven days on United States following the routine of the main idols of national MMA.
As on soccer, initially occurs to us the concern for the evasion of our ring idols. When the generation of Zico, Sócrates, Toninho Cerezo and Falcão transferred to the European soccer, after the World Cup 82’, a lot of people thought that Brazil would lost its hegemony on the sport, but the opposite happened, the soccer country continued producing good players on world-wide scale, and even without the best playing home, continued to make excellent teams and conquering more two World Cups. Everything leads to believe that the dynamic on MMA must be the same. For each idol that goes, the biggest fighter maker of the world keeps producing new replacing pieces.
The difference is on soccer the state championships, that leads our main talents to the fame, have support of TV Globo and all the media, and consequently, of the main sponsorships, while our MMA depends on national promoters, very important pieces on this gear. If weren’t them, the Americans would dominate this scene. People like Wallid Ismail, André Pederneiras, Amaury Bitetti, Marcio Keske, Ricardo Saldanha and Otávio Duarte that, even knowing that the financial prejudice of making events in Brazil is liquid and certain, continue making excellent shows and giving opportunities to the new idols that may come and keep Brazil as a world’s power of the sport.
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