Photo release
The seventh edition of Mas Fight, which promises to heat the city of Itatiaia, São Paulo, suffered some modifications on its card. Charles Maicon suffered a serious injury on his knee ligament and has been replaced by Felipe Andrade, who also got hurt, giving his vacancy to Fábio Ramos who will confront Juliano Belgine. But he was not the only one to leave the card.
A very unexpected story left Regiclaudio “Queixada” out of Max Fight. The tough guy has been training with Miguel Repanas on the city of Itu, and during the night he heard a noise on his roof. When he went out to check what it was, he saw a thief on his roof. The athlete reacted and started fighting him, but the roof broke and “Queixada” suffered a deep cut on his head and was stitched 20 times, but he did not lose his pose. “The thief was broken, I hit him a lot”, said “Queixada”, who has been replaced by Jadyson Costa.
The third change was the entrance of Fabiano Ferreira, and he will confront Samuel Quito. Organizer of the event, Ricardo regretted the misses, but was satisfied with the replacements. “Usually I’m lucky on my cards, because only a few had injuries before their fights, but this time we “loss” many athletes before disclosing the card, besides four after, but we’re lucky that Sao Paulo has so many great athletes and managed to replace them”, commented. Check below the complete card of the event and click here to access Max Fight’s official website.
COMPLETE CARD (it can be changed):
Max Fight Rally Brazil 7
Itatiba, Sao Paulo
Saturday, July 24 of 2010
- Pedro Iriê (Ichigeki) confronts Adriano Martins (Top Life AM);
- Igor Chatubinha (Relma / Minotauro Team) confronts Jadyson Costa(Barbosa JJ);
- Guilherme Carcaça (Impacto André Gomes / Minotauro Team) confrontsMunil Adriano (Muay Thai Nikolai Brasil/Gold Team Fighters Usa);
- Fabiano Ferreira (Clã da Luta) confronts Samuel Quito (Ichigeki);
- Luis Lagarto (White Hawk PR) confronts Wagner Caldeirão (Celso Jr -André Gomes/ Minotauro Team);
- Douglas Bertazini (Miguel Repanas Team) confronts Tiago Rela (CheckMat BJJ);
- Fernando Neguinho (Ichigeki) confronts Celso Alemão (Niniko JJ);
- Luciano (Cobra) confronts Rodolfo Rodrigues (Ichigueki);
- Rafa "Indio" (Alliance / Fight Fitness) confronts Leandro Gigante(CheckMat);
- Fábio Ramos (Master Team) confronts Juliano Belgine (Ichigeki).
Lutadores prontos para sacudir o Max Fight

Por Guilherme Cruz, direto de Itatiba, São Paulo
Fotos Guilherme Cruz
A pacata cidade de Itatiba, localizada a 70km de São Paulo, ficou movimentada na tarde de hoje com a chegada dos atletas do Max Fight 7, evento organizado em parceria com a produtora Rally Brasil. Com a pesagem realizada dentro de um restaurante, todos os atletas bateram peso e estão prontos para sacudir a cidade.
Entre as super lutas da noite, a promessa Pedro Iriê encara o duríssimo Adriano Martins, enquanto Igor Chatubinha, próximo candidato ao cinturão mundial do Shooto, luta contra Jadyson Costa, atleta da Barbosa Jiu-Jitsu. Guilherme Carcaça chegou a Itatiba focado na luta contra Munil Adriano, mas o atleta ficou doente e precisou ser substituído em cima da hora pelo carioca Claudiere Freitas.
Nos combates preliminares, destaque para o confronto entre o invicto Wagner Caldeirão, campeão do GP do Ichigeki, e o paranaense Luis Lagarto. "Se tudo der certo, devo lutar no próximo final de semana no Ichigeki, numa luta casada contra o Jan Soukup", adianta Wagner, revelando o possível duelo contra o atleta da República Tcheca, que venceu Espedito Pantera em 2009, no Ichigeki.
Confira abaixo o card completo e as imagens da pesagem, que aconteceu agora há pouco em Itatiba, e fique ligado na TATAME para conferir, na madrugada de sábado para domingo, os resultados completos do show. Ao longo da semana, traremos uma galeria de fotos exclusiva das lutas.
CARD COMPLETO (sujeito a modificações):
Max Fight Rally Brasil 7
Itatiba, São Paulo
Sábado, 24 de julho de 2010
- Pedro Iriê (Ichigeki) enfrentará Adriano Martins (Top Life AM);
- Igor Chatubinha (Relma / Minotauro Team) enfrentará Jadyson Costa (Barbosa JJ);
- Guilherme Carcaça (Impacto André Gomes / Minotauro Team) enfrentará Claudiere Freitas;
- Fabiano Ferreira (Clã da Luta) enfrentará Samuel Quito (Ichigeki);
- Luis Lagarto (White Hawk PR) enfrentará Wagner Caldeirão (Celso Jr - André Gomes/ Minotauro Team);
- Douglas Bertazini (Miguel Repanas Team) enfrentará Tiago Rela (CheckMat BJJ);
- Fernando Neguinho (Ichigeki) enfrentará Celso Alemão (Niniko JJ);
- Luciano (Cobra) enfrentará Rodolfo Rodrigues (Ichigueki);
- Rafa "Indio" (Alliance / Fight Fitness) enfrentará Leandro Gigante (CheckMat);
- Fábio Ramos (Master Team) enfrentará Juliano Belgine (Ichigeki).
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